Multidisciplinary Approach to Care
The Lymphoma Research Consortium combines excellent patient care with research and is dedicated to finding a cure for the both Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphomas.
Established a comprehensive multidisciplinary clinical treatment team with expertise in combined modality treatments, high-dose treatments with bone marrow/stem cell transplant, monoclonal antibody treatment (including radioimmunotherapy), and investigational new therapies for recurrent/resistant disease.
Lymphoma Medical Oncology
The Medical Oncology section of the Lymphoma Research Consortium offers:
- Combined modality treatments, high-dose treatments with bone marrow/stem cell transplants and monoclonal antibody treatment
- Investigational new therapies for recurrent/resistant disease
- Clinical trials that bring the most active new agents to our patients.
- Laboratory research on lymphoma biology
- The exploration of new strategies to prevent, diagnose and cure lymphomas
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Through a collaboration with Nanostring and a patent license from TLA
The UA gene expression profiling technology is being used to guide the clinical development of Celgene’s Revlamid.
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