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Dr. Karnes' primary area of research interest is cardiovascular and immune pharmacogenomics, specifically investigating the utility of genetic polymorphisms to predict adverse drug reactions. He employs a translational approach to investigate pharmacogenomic associations using observational studies, functional genomics techniques, and eventually prospective clinical trials. His ultimate career goal is to facilitate personalized cardiovascular medicine and genotype-guided prescribing to avoid serious drug toxicities. Dr. Karnes is an author on 53 peer-reviewed manuscripts and 37 abstracts presented at national and international meetings. He is active in multiple professional societies including the American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, the American Heart Association, and the American College of Clinical Pharmacy. He has received support for his research from the American Heart Association, the Flinn Foundation, the American College of Clinical Pharmacy, and the NIH, including R01 and K01 grants from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Visit Dr. Karnes' faculty and laboratory websites for more information: www.pharmacy.arizona.edu/directory/jason-h-karnes-pharmd-phd-bcps and https://karneslab.org/.